Is The Key To Eliminating Neuropathy Hidden Within A Remote Greek Island?

Find out how a simple 5 second daily habit can permanently eliminate neuropathy from your life all within 30 days.

Is the secret to stopping neuropathy pain hidden on a faraway Greek island?….

Here's how 88,268 neuropathy sufferers are now pain free…

Is the secret to stopping neuropathy pain hidden on a faraway Greek island?….

Here's how 88,268 neuropathy sufferers are now pain free…


“Oh my god!”

“Dad wake up!”

Before speaking those fateful words to my father… 


Thanks to a five second daily habit from a Greek island…

And it's backed up by Research from the Mayo Clinic.

This discovery eliminates neuropathy pain within 30 days…

All I remember is hearing my kids shout at the top of their lungs…

“Grandpa no!”

With no drugs, no side effects and no doctors.

Then a loud rumbling and tumbling noise...

It was like the sound of a bowling ball being dropped down the flight of stairs in my father’s house.

My dad that day, almost reached his ending point.

After struggling severely with Neuropathy for 3 hard long and grueling years… 


The worst neuropathy pain and numbness is completely gone fast…

After nothing else would work.

This Greek island natural secret has stunned the medical community…

Because it blocks the three enzymes that Cause Neuropathy pain.

This is unique…


He reached his limit.

Inflammatory nerve poisoning ate away at his body and nerve endings for too long… and his body just gave up on him.

Luckily, he escaped the fall with a few stiches on his forehead a minor concussion and a hairline fracture on his ankle.

I thank God almighty to this day that my father George survived that accident...

The sad part though, was that this happening was not a surprise to me…

Nor was it to his wife, his grandkids or for that matter anyone in our family.

You've never heard of it before, and it is in fact the complete opposite in many ways…

Of the things you've tried before that didn't work well enough.

Years of suffering from-

Tingling, numbness, burning and pins and needles, pain in the hands, feet, legs and face are all gone.

Most frightening is that it was not a surprise to my father himself.

Just by doing this five second daily Habit


Harry S from Michigan raves-

In addition to saving, you thousands of dollars a year in doctor and prescription costs…

You'll also get back to being active and having fun again…

And doing the things that you like with the people you like.
In fact, a whole new life of happiness, mobility, and freedom will soon be yours.

And this means that you can have and be what you want out of life.

Instead of suffering from pain any longer.

This Greek Island discovery…

Is now scientifically backed by some of the largest and most prestigious institutions and research labs in the world-

Brown University, Mayo Clinic, University of Miami and Columbia University, to name a few.

The research scientist said I was amazed by how active and vibrant these elderly islanders were…

Despite many of them being diabetic.


They showed no signs of the crippling neuropathy pain that so often plagues diabetics in the Western world.

I knew I had to uncover their secret.

After months of intensive research in collaboration with the university team…

A game-changing discovery was made.

The Islanders unusual five second daily habit…

Was actually blocking the three hidden enzymes responsible for triggering neuropathy pain.

This natural enzyme blocking was the key to their remarkable pain free lifestyles.


The implications of this discovery are nothing short of life changing…

For the millions of diabetics suffering from neuropathy pain worldwide.

Until now, conventional treatments have primarily focused on masking symptoms…

With addictive pain medications…

Which come with a host of serious side effects and rarely provide lasting relief.

But this groundbreaking discovery is a safe, natural solution…

That targets the root cause of neuropathy pain. The three pain triggering enzymes.


Margaret Renwick-

“I tried every treatment under the sun, from prescription painkillers to invasive procedures, but nothing gave me lasting relief.”, says Margaret, a 77 year old grandmother. Who'd been battling excruciating neuropathy pain for over a decade.

"But after just 30 days of doing this simple five second protocol, my pain disappeared. I feel like I've gotten my life back.”

Three years ago, my father, George, was diagnosed with diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

That's when things started spiraling out of control and spiraling fast.

My father, George, a former Navy captain, had always been a tough guy…

The backbone and soul of our entire family.

Our entire family referred to him as the captain.

Although he struggled with his type two diabetes diagnosis…

That he had several years before his neuropathy diagnosis…

You would never hear a complaint out of his mouth about it.

This, despite the drastic lifestyle changes he had to make to fight the disease.

That all changed after his diagnosis of neuropathy…

And after debilitating daily pain overtook his entire body.

The pin and needle burning Sensations that ate away…

At his nerve endings and pulsating through his body, especially at night…

Were just too much for him to not comply.

The daily aches, pains and numbness throughout his body rid him of his health and sanity.

My father was always good at masking his pain.


This though he just could not control.

He suffered from insomnia…

He had coordination problems…

His mobility suffered and he became virtually inactive.


Patches, creams and the drugs prescribed to him left him…

With rashes and Stomach irritation and Nauseousness The doctors, quite frankly…

They didn't know what to do.

They would only tell us.

“Neuropathy is a complex and incurable condition.”

The symptoms became so severe…

 He had to quit his job at the local cheese manufacturing plant that he managed for over 35 years.

The problems didn't stop there.

He completely lost his social life.

He was absent from almost every family gathering that took place outside of his home.

All this leading to the day when he suffered that horrific accident on the flight of stairs.


But what happened that day, though, ended up being a blessing in disguise.

It led us to a breakthrough discovery…

A discovery that miraculously put my father on a path to recovery.

A path that he's still on today.

Living a happy, energetic and healthy life.

Reversing years of prior bodily damage due to his neuropathy for good.


And it's all because of a simple five second daily habit from a remote Greek island…

A Greek island where my father was born, and where most of his siblings still Live to this day.

This island is only. One of the five blue zones in the world, and it is one for a reason.

I'll get to this more in a bit.

Please stay with me…

And in the next few minutes, you'll find out how this miraculous, all-natural Greek solution…

Eliminates from the body the root cause of all neuropathy Cases.

Look, I know what you're reading right now might sound like it's too good to be true.

Trust me…

When I first saw the results right in front of my very own eyes….

I couldn't believe it either.

The life changing impact this all-natural Greek solution had on my father…

Is what I call a God given miracle to this day.

I initially thought it was a fluke or a temporary blessing from a higher power…

But after months went by and my father continued to live happily pain free…

With the same mobility, youth and vigor that he had in his 30s…

Well, I became a believer.

We knew this was not some type of quick fix remedy.

You see, everything you thought you knew about how to treat your Neuropathy is a lie.

Though it's not your fault.

Big corporate pharma does not want you to know…

That the pills and creams they give you only mask your pain, never curing it.

So they can fit in their pockets.

Nerve pain is not a life sentence.

You don't have to suffer any longer…


Because you Too can take back control of your life today.

And you deserve to. And you can.

With this same simple, quick and safe method, my father George…

And tens of thousands of others just like you use…

A solution that will get to work for you in a matter of minutes.

Let me introduce myself….


My name is Chris Adams.

I’m from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

I am happily married and a father of 2 beautiful 7 and 9-year-old girls.

My father George a loving husband of 44 years and a father of 4…

Gave me, my brother and two sisters the best life we could ask for.

My father’s story of his battle and then defeat of neuropathy...

Is what led me to give you this presentation today.

He is a true inspiration, not only to us…

But everyone else’s life he has touched throughout the years.

This journey we went on to cure my father of the disease that made him a slave to his own body started 4 years ago. 

But the turning point that gave him his health and life back… 


Took place on that fateful day of his fall on the 4th of July.

Which happens to be our family’s favorite holiday of the year.

The day before the fall, my father George complained he could not feel his feet at all…

Because of the numbness and pulsating electrical shots that ran through them.

This was typical for him most days.

But on the day of the 4th in particular, he felt more muscle weakness and cramping than most days.

Despite the discomfort he was in… his pride got the best of him that day.

The entire family was at his house. The grill was on, the drinks were flowing, and it was all smiles.

He did not like to show his struggles with neuropathy when the entire family gathered.

He always told me-

“I’m tired of always having to explain to people what's wrong with me.”

So, the entire day, unlike most others… He refused to use his electric scooter…

Or take up any offers of help getting up and down the stairs of the house.

This was typical of the “Captain” of the family.

For him… to accept support or help showed “weakness.”


This though, was almost the biggest life-ending pride-induced mistake of his life.

While coming down the stairs…. after getting a few of the family photo albums for everyone to see.

He lost his footing…

Taking a plunge down the stairs that will forever be remembered as life-changing...

Not only for him but for our entire family.


When I found my father laying helplessly on the flight of stairs…

He was unconscious…he looked lifeless.

To be honest, my first thought was, “Did my father just die”?

I thought to myself this cannot happen...

Not like this... Not on the 4th of July

Not in front of the entire family!

My father is the most patriotic person I have ever met in my life…

After immigrating from Greece as a child, he served in the Navy right after high school for 12 years.

The 4th of July was by far his most favorite day of the year.

“How could this happen to him on this day?” I thought to myself.

After a couple of heart-stopping minutes of unconsciousness, my father finally came to.

He could not get up on his own though.

As we waited for the ambulance, I knew something drastic had to happen…


Or the end was going to be near for my beloved father George.

It was very painful to see.

Even up until the day of the fall my father for the most part…

Had lost his mobility since his diagnosis with peripheral neuropathy…

Due to the overwhelming pain, numbness, and irritation he experienced... from years of toxic neuron inflammation terrorizing his body from head to toe.

The numbness began in the bottom of his feet…. It then gradually spread to other parts of his body…

The worst part was when it reached his hands.

He had no sensation of touch in his hands…making it difficult for him to even open a jar of peanut butter.

He used a motorized scooter most of the time when he left the house.

Not because he could not walk on his own…

But because the embarrassment he has when he walks in public... 

After falling with no control in public on many occasions.

All due to his muscle weakness and body paralysis he would experience.

During the 4 years since his diagnosis with diabetic related neuropathy…

We tried everything possible to ease his pain.

Years upon years of doctor consultations…


This led to him taking almost every medication in the book, with nothing helping.

Meetups with fellow neuropathy sufferers to discuss solutions…

I spent countless months researching and investigating for a solution…

Libraries, Online Neuropathy forums, Webinars with holistic doctors, alternative medicine you name it!

Searching for anything that could unshackle my father…

From the daily suffering he endured due to his neuropathy.

After his fall I was more motivated than ever to find a solution…

As his doctor recently had warned us of the possibility of his foot getting amputated.

His doctors and physicians gave him everything possible throughout the years.




You name it, his doctors prescribed it.

All these drugs just masked his pain never fixing the problem at its root cause.

The side effects my father experienced from his meds and creams… 

Were at times worse than his actual neuropathy symptoms.

These patches and creams caused… 

Headaches, dizziness, uneasiness, rapid heartbeat and rashes.

His blood pressure skyrocketed

The pills which he was taking every 90 minutes…

Irritated his stomach, made him drowsy and nauseous and gave him constipation.


I could not comprehend why his doctors not only continued prescribing him these meds…. but also upped his doses of them.

Knowing the side effects he experienced. 

The doctors kept telling him-

“Neuropathy is something you are going to have to learn to live with.”

And that his only relief was going to be from these pills, patches and creams.


Things were just not adding up.

My father felt hopeless, trapped in his own body…

His “Why Me” mentality led to deeper and deeper depression.

So, after my father's near-death accident, …

I decided to call my old college roommate Dr. Jack R. 

Who was now a clinical researcher right outside of Milwaukee.

I knew I could trust him for insight and advice…as he has his private practice where he answers to no one.

He had no ulterior motives.

At this point, nothing else was working and my father was running out of time… and was desperate for a long-term solution with no side effects.

I figured I would ring in a favor to him and pick his brain for a bit.

It is the least he could do for me…

After all he still owed me a 6 pack of beer after losing our Super Bowl bet a couple of years back.

So, I picked up the phone and called Jack.

To say my call with Dr. Jack was eye-opening…and mouth-dropping would be an understatement!

What he disclosed to me was unthinkable. To this day it is still hard from to comprehend.


The entire medical system… the one you, I, and everyone else in America is part of is one big money grab.

From the hospitals… down to your local doctor…


And it all starts and ends with big pharma.

Yup, those same companies that your prescription pills, patches, and creams come from.

Those same companies…

Whose TV commercials are on your TV screen during every commercial break…

Those same companies…

Whose stocks flourish and grow every time a new virus or disease is discovered.

The pockets of your local doctor's offices and hospitals…

Are being filled by big pharma executives.

Without them, your local doctor's office and hospital would not survive.

The more your doctor prescribes you those drugs that cause all the side effects…

The more big pharma makes.

Leading to more money for your doctor from the “kickbacks” the pharmaceutical companies give your doctor.


They have a vested interest in keeping neuropathy around as long as possible….

Because peddling their treatments is a far bigger business than a cure could ever be.

It all boils down to them wanting to control your nerve pain and how you manage it…. to benefit them financially.

They make billions off your sickness, and they do not want to cure you.

And with 28 million Americans affected by Neuropathy this comes as no surprise…. there is too much money at stake for them.

I now knew my father was only a puppet in this system, a number.

Dr. Jack put everything in perspective for me.

I realized this endless cycle of pain and suffering…

Followed by side effects my father was experiencing that would never end.

Not until he is in his grave 6 feet deep.

By the end of this call, I realized that something had to be done… and fast, or my father’s days would be numbered.

I was grateful for this insider information he provided me to say the least. I thanked Dr. Jack for all the info he provided me, and we would stay in touch.

To this day I still say my father owes his life to Dr. Jack.

His tragic fall and the information Jack provided us… 

Ignited the spark we desperately needed to cure my father George of his neuropathy.

Of course, I left that conversation without reminding Jack that he still owes me a 6 pack. It is fair to say we were even after that call lol

Now that I had this information, I needed to act fast…

To at least make my father’s life bearable for however much longer he had.

So, the next day I went to my father’s house to have a talk with him about what Dr. Jack told me.

My father is a traditional man… he was raised to trust his doctors and always take their advice.

I knew it was going to be a tough conversation to have with him...

To convince him we need to get him off his doctor-prescribed drugs and creams for good.

As they were not only doing more long-term damage to him internally… but also, financially.

I also knew if there were to be any hope in him changing the slow path to death, he was on… 

It would be discussing the idea of him going back to his family’s remote Island in Ikaria Greece.

Ikaria was where he was born and where he moved from when he was 6 years old.

At this point, he was already retired and most of his siblings were still living there.

Plus, my father and my mother Sofia had always tossed around the idea of retiring in Greece.
I suggested it would be a fresh breath of air, a bit of a restart for him ….in his last attempt to regain his health.

5 of his brothers and sisters who were still living in Ikaria were all within 9 years of his age.

Despite the age similarities…

They all lived youthful energetic lives with no health issues, unlike my father.

It is not by coincidence that they all live this healthy and happy lifestyle….

As Ikaria is one of the only5 blue zones in the world.

I am sure you are wondering what a blue zone is.

These 5 Blue Zones are the 5 places on Earth where people live the longest and Ikaria is one of them.

Ikaria has famously become known as “The place where people forget to die

I joked with him and said…

“Hey, you never know there could be something special in those plants and herbs they are eating there.”

“Something that could bring you back the life you deserve.”

“All your brothers and sisters there look and live like they are in their 30’s why can’t you?”

More on this in a bit…

So, I figured if this change was going to happen for my father, now was the time.

We also knew that it could be my father's last months…
The idea of him spending his final moments there was always the plan.

Medical costs are much much cheaper in Greece than in the States.

Not to mention taking care of my father was becoming a bit much for my mom to handle by herself. 

With his sisters and brothers, there help…his final days would be more peaceful.

Thankfully, both my father and mother Sofia agreed and thought it was a great idea.

He also understood everything I told him about my conversation with Dr. Jack…

He did not put up too much of a fight to get off his meds.

He had plenty of questions for Jack and me but in the end, he agreed that it was best.


He realized that by staying on the meds there would be no hope in sight…

Using those same drugs and creams that failed him for the past four years…. causing deep internal damage to his body and nerve endings….

That would be the very definition of insanity…

-Repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

So, we were off!

My wife, kids and I accompanied him and my mother back to Ikaria…with plans to stay a couple of weeks.

Our time there was amazing, and my father could not have been in better hands.

My father seemed to be in good spirits as we were leaving. I was not though… 

As I realized this could be my last time seeing him…but I stayed with God and kept him in my prayers.

Then a week or so after I left, I began getting calls from my Aunt Maria my father’s younger sister.

Explaining to me that my father had been going for walks every morning after breakfast.

While this might sound like much, this was news to me! A bit of shocking news.

My father had not taken any walks or done anything athletic…


Since his diagnosis of neuropathy almost 4 years ago.

It was a pleasant surprise to hear, but at the time I did not make much of it…

But had I known at the time of what was to come I would of.

So, I continued to stay in contact with everyone back in Ikaria weekly…

To check in on my dad and see how everyone was doing.

Something else strange began to happen each time that I spoke with my Dad…

He was complaining less about his pain and the debilitating pins and needle sensations… 

That ran through his body daily.

That was something he would complain about every conversation we had for the last 4 years.

I thought this too was odd...but once again I did not think too much of it.

Then a week later when we spoke again…

Out of curiosity I asked him how his overall health was to get some better insight.

Something else strange began to happen each time that I spoke with my Dad…

He was complaining less about his pain and the debilitating pins and needle sensations… 

That ran through his body daily.

That was something he would complain about every conversation we had for the last 4 years.

I thought this too was odd...but once again I did not think too much of it.

Then a week later when we spoke again…

Out of curiosity I asked him how his overall health was to get some better insight.

He told me-

“Chris I am sleeping better than I have in over 9 years. It’s quite refreshing to be honest.”

9 years ago was when he was first diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.

That is when I started asking more questions about his pain and mobility.

When he described to me that his pain was not as chronic as it was before he left the States…

I knew it had something to do with his change of lifestyle and or the food he was eating.

He did have a similar daily routine in Ikaria as he did back in the States.

So, this improved state of health… led me to believe it had something to do with the food or drinks he was consuming.

My father had never cooked a meal in his life.

He always had his mother and my mother took care of that for him.

So that is when I asked to speak to my mom and Aunt Maria. To find out exactly what they were feeding him… 

That would be behind such a big restoration of his health… in such a short period of time.

After speaking with both of them…

His meals seemed remarkably like what he ate back home in the States.

So, I wondered if his health improvement was a fluke…or a change of scenery.

Despite this, I continued asking my mom and Aunt Maria for specifics on his meals each day.
Thankfully, both my father and mother Sofia agreed and thought it was a great idea.

I knew for a fact he was not eating when he was back in Milwaukee.

These ingredients while available in the states…were not common nor easy to get a hold of.

So, I started to put two and two together… and believed this was what was behind his rapid improvement.
I began researching these all-natural ingredients…

My family in Ikaria eats with nearly every meal.

The research kept showing that these ingredients…

Inhibit three pain triggering enzymes in the body…

After consuming them for a short period.
Enzymes that every human possesses… but that run wild on the bodies of those with diabetes and neuropathy when the nervous system becomes overactive. 

To make things worse the body's nervous system becomes more active when blood glucose levels are constantly high… 

Which is the case with diabetics.
This overactivity in the nervous system then ignites these body's debilitating enzymes…

Which then overwhelms the body's nerves.

Which is why those with peripheral neuropathy experience such brutal pain.
These enzymes are the true culprit of all the neuropathic issues…

That people like my father George and millions of others experience.

This is why over half of all diabetics… 

Currently experiencing some sort of neuropathic-related issues.

And almost all diabetics and pre-diabetics…

Will experience nerve pain related issues at some point.
I’m sure you are now probably wondering… 

What exactly are those pain inducing toxic enzymes that are doing so much harm to your body…

Well, they are COX-2, PGE-2, and the biggest culprit MMP-13.
I had heard about these compounds before in passing during the years of research I did on my own.

At that time though I didn’t discover any overwhelming data that led me to believe… 

That the cure to repairing and reversing years of long-term nerve ending damage…
Was by hindering these toxic enzymes that are deep within the immune system of the body.

But now I had an extraordinary amount of scientifically backed research…

That these COX-2, PGE-2 and MMP-13 inhibiting ingredients from Ikaria…

Were what was behind my father’s improving health.
Research that showed-
“A study at the University of Miami showed MMP-13 as a target of paclitaxel in the epidermis that when inhibited alleviates neuropathy/ neurotoxicity. MMP-13 inhibition also shows efficacy in diabetic neuropathy.”

Upon uncovering all the science and data on these 3 pain triggering enzymes…

And the miracle ingredients that suppress them… I anxiously ran to the phone and gave Jack a call.

I needed to tell him in detail everything that was taking place with my father.

I am not a doctor and knew that if my hunch was right.

That this is what my father George needed to reverse his peripheral neuropathy…
That I would not only need insight and feedback from a medical professional…

But I would need further clinical research done to confirm that my hunch was more than just that.

We needed to know the exact amounts of these miracle ingredients to take daily…

From what specific sources…

And how often my father and others like him suffer from Neuropathy…

Would need to take of these ingredients… 

To finally free themselves from the shackles of neuropathy.
Dr. Jack gladly agreed to lead the charge…

With the clinical and investigative research, we needed…

And use whatever contacts necessary…

For us to perfect and deliver only the highest quality product…

With long-lasting results so that we could save my father’s life and help anyone else who needed it.
No matter what age…what gender…

Or how bad or long they have suffered from Neuropathy for.

While doable we did realize it would be a complicated process.

We needed an out-of-the-box solution to subdue these 3 pain-inducing enzymes immediately… but there was nothing available.

But we were focused and determined, and we were on a mission…to defeat neuropathy right in its tracks!

So, our research on this breakthrough solution began-

We immediately uncovered that these pain enzymes are the cause of all neuropathies-

Autonomic Neuropathy

Focal Neuropathy 

(also called mononeuropathy)

And Peripheral and Proximal Neuropathies.

Based on this we knew to end neuropathy for good….

The entire nervous system…

Needs to be restored back to its full functioning abilities. 

For this to happen COX-2, PGE-2, and MMP-13 needed to be completely inhibited within the body.

All three of these enzymes are toxic to the neurons…
As they aggressively strip away at collagen and the body's skin.

And the importance of Collagen and skin to live pain-free is crucial…

As it is what keeps nerve tissue healthy and in place.

But when the body's nervous system becomes overactive…

Like it does often with diabetics and neuropathy sufferers…

These 3 toxic enzymes are activated…

Ripping and tearing away at your collagen, skin, and connective nerve tissue.

Causing your body to experience those painful pulsating shock sensations.
Research published in March 2020 by Columbia University showed “An increase in MMP-13 (matrix metalloproteinase-13), breaks down the collagen or "glue" that binds skin cells together. This breakdown leads to the degeneration of the long, threadlike sensory nerve endings that innervate the skin. The degeneration of these nerve endings, which convey sensory information like temperature, pain, and mechanical stimulation to the central nervous system, is responsible for the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.”
To no surprise this is exactly what the doctor prescribed meds my father was taking were doing to his body…

Big pharma and its puppet doctors do not want you to know that their solutions…
Only desensitize your skin temporarily…

All while causing your nerves to disintegrate and collapse in the long term.

We also discovered...
That these pain-triggering enzymes are triggered by the overactive nervous system…

Were also the root cause of body infections.

That same type of infection that almost cost my father George his foot.

These toxic enzymes also eat away at muscles… 

Causing muscle fatigue…

And are the cause of constant cramps, twitching and numbness in your body.

Making these three toxic enzymes…

The true enemy of a healthy and functioning nervous system…

That not only eats away at your overall health but your body parts as well.

Our first task was to debilitate these pain enzymes from the body…

Was getting a hold of these miracle nerve repairing and supporting ingredients from Ikaria, Greece in bulk.

We also needed to make sure they were only from the finest and freshest sources.

Thank God Ikaria is a small island.

And with my family’s history going back centuries there…

It was rather easy for us to get exactly what we needed from the local sources there.

Once the ingredients arrived to us in the States, we began our clinical formulations.

Dr. Jack through his connections in the medical field…

Was able to get us access to an FDA and GMP U.S. facility where we could conduct all our tests.

Once everything was in place, we brought my father back to the States.

We needed to be 100% certain that these Ikarian super ingredients were the cure.

We would only know this for certain if my father was completely free of all his neuropathic symptoms.

And not just free of those symptoms some days…

Or for a certain period of time.

We needed those lingering symptoms he still experienced…

Exterminated from his body for life.

He had improved by eating these same ingredients almost daily back in Greece…
But he still had his moments.

Some days his nerve endings would deliver those debilitating prickly sensations shooting through his body… 

And some days he still had numbness in his hands and his feet.

His sleepless nights would also return from time to time.

So, we need the perfect quick fix but with permanent results.

We believed that if we could deliver these same ingredients in a more potent form…

It could have the impact we were desperately in search of.

The thing is when you consume these same ingredients in meals…you are not consuming them in their pure raw form.

They lose some of their nutritional value and strength when cooked.
And up until this point that is the only way my father consumed these all-natural Ikarian nutrients.

We needed to produce a simplified potent version of those same exact ingredients…

One that also would not have to be included with every meal he ate.

As that could get boring fast. We needed it to be so he and others could easily digest these ingredients in just seconds each day.
Now that we had the ingredients and my father in the States, we began the formulation process…

Dr. Jack and one of his old colleagues who is a neurologist…

Were kind enough to take 3 nights after work each week to work with me in the lab.

Within weeks we researched and delivered 2 different combinations…

That were replicas of the super powered ingredients my father was eating back in Ikaria.

My father began taking the solution twice a day…once in the morning and once before bed.

While he remained notably better than before he left for Ikaria…

We were not seeing the full and impactful results he needed to completely shield him…

From the inflammatory nerve poisoning that COX-2, PGE-2 and MMP-13 cause.

So, we continued with different combinations of the ingredients…

With different amounts of each one.

Also combining new ingredients with the miracle ones from Ikaria…

That we knew had already delivered good results.
Unfortunately, despite this…

Still nothing completely soothed and restored my father’s damaged nerve endings.

The frustration began to set in for all of us, my father included.
He began to feel like he wasted his time coming back to the states.

As his condition had still not been completely cured.

We all agreed to give it another month or so…

And if the solution was not perfected to exactly what we needed to cure my father…

We would walk away.

At least knowing that we gave it our all.

Then I remember like it was yesterday…

Dr. Jack and I went to Denny’s for a late-night dinner…

After another one of our candle-burning nights researching and testing in the lab.

When something clicked while looking at one of the paintings on the wall at Denny’s.

It was a painting of a flower…
One that sparked the memory of an exotic flower...

One that I came across years ago in my prior research of other neuropathy clinical trials.

This same exotic flower that was scientifically proven to help with…
Neuron damage, stress, anxiety, and insomnia.

On top of this, I remember the plant was proven to relax the body's muscles and nerves…

When the nervous system becomes overactive.

While I knew this was not the answer by itself…

I thought that maybe just maybe if we combined this…

With the all-natural miracle ingredients from Ikaria as our base ingredients…

This could be the breakthrough we were in search of.
So, the next week when we got back to the lab…

We formulated various combinations with all the Ikarian ingredients… 

Combined with the exotic flowering plant.

It was now time for my father to give it one last shot to see if this was the protocol, he needed… 
To de-arrest him from the Neuropathy that at this point had him arrested to his own body for close to 4 years.

During the first full week of my father taking the simple 5-second daily solution…

My father said he slept perfectly the entire week…this we knew was a good sign.

But we needed to ensure this was consistent…

So, as we entered the middle of the second week…

My father had mentioned that he has consistently been able to feel the bottom of his feet…

For ten consecutive days.

This was something that he had not experienced…

Since his diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy almost 4 years ago.

This yet again was another giant leap towards reaching our long-term goal.

This was great news!

His aches and pains throughout his body were also quickly deteriorating.

All momentum was now pointing to the fact that this was…

The powerful, yet simple remedy we had searched so long and hard for.

While we knew the improvements to my father’s health after these two weeks…

Were somewhat "miraculous"

We also knew we needed him to be completely healed of all his neuropathic ailments…

And not just for a couple of weeks.

So, we continued monitoring and sticking with the daily protocol.

Each passing day my father's symptoms became less of a burden on him, and it began to show…

His walks in the morning were longer…


Deep pain free sleep nightly… 

Pulsating shocks through his body were eliminated.

Then on blistering hot Milwaukee summer weekend…

We decided to relive one of my childhood pastimes.

One that my father and I had been missing from our lives since his health started failing him.


We went fishing on Lake Michigan.

It was the perfect day…

Some ice-cold beers…burgers and dogs on the boat's grill…

We even had some luck and reeled in a few.

Then the most shocking thing I had seen throughout my father’s entire journey…

To take back his life and health took place.

I could not believe what my eyes were seeing.
Out of the corner of my eye while I was enjoying the sunset…

I saw my father dive into the water.

When I heard to noise of the splash in the water, I turned to see what exactly my father was doing.

When I caught a glimpse, he was swimming…
This might not sound like much…

But this is the most active my father had been in the last 9 years.

To see him move so freely and effortlessly, with so much force and energy…

Was like watching a miracle right before my eyes.

He continued swimming for another good 10 minutes.

I continued to watch in awe.

When My father George returned to the boat

He told me-

“Chris, I think it is finally happening.”

He told me-

“Chris, I think it is finally happening.”


I noticed a tear slowly running down his cheek.

I could not help but cry with happiness myself.

“The day I and our entire family have been waiting for has finally arrived.”

“I can without a doubt tell you I am now living the life I have deserved for too long. I have not felt this good in decades.”

“I honestly cannot thank you, Dr. Jack, and his colleague enough.”

Tears continued to roll down my face.

It had only been a month since my father had started our all-natural Ikarian solution…

But the results were speaking for themselves.

After watching my dad’s transformation for that month right before our eyes…

Then hearing it directly from his mouth.

I could not have been more confident that this was it…

This was the fix…this was the solution my father, myself, and our entire family had dreamed of for so long.

After seeing and hearing this from my father…

Naturally, the first thing I did was call my mom and everyone back home with the good news…

And then of course Dr. Jack to tell him the news.


When I reported all this back to Dr. Jack …

He knew we had unlocked the secret key to blocking the pain signals that COX-2, PGE-2 and MMP-13 send to the body for good.

He knew that we had found the perfect all-natural ingredients…

With the exact amounts of each one…

To execute the perfect job of destroying those three toxic pain enzymes.

When Dr. Jack and I spoke, I asked him-

“What’s next?”

That is when the doctor's side came out in him as he reminded us-

“Please don’t stop the protocol just because you’ve seen some great results the first month.”

“You still have more health goals you want to accomplish.”

“The longer you keep up with the protocol the greater the results you will experience.”

“You will begin experiencing your most optimal and biggest results between the third and sixth months of the protocol.”

“So please continue doing exactly what you are currently doing.”

“And follow the protocol to the T each day”

That is when he told me we also had an obligation to not only help my father…but others as well.

It was now our duty to help the millions of other Americans and people worldwide ….

Who still suffer at the hands of these three evil enzymes.

I did not even think twice…
I immediately told Dr. Jack-
“Yes, we do. Just let me know what we need to do next, and you have my full time and energy to support this.”
While I knew this was going to be much more work…

Then the work it took to ensure this protocol worked for just one person.

I also knew the same pain, suffering, and sorrow that my family, my father and I, went through…

Due to this awful and relentless disease…

Was still felt by countless other individuals and families across the globe.

The thought of having the remedy to the disease right at my fingertips …

But never doing anything about it to help…

It ate away at me.

I knew it was not only the right thing to do but an obligation if we were going to save more lives.

Dr. Jack, myself, and his colleague picked right back up right where we started…

We needed to start running clinical trials on others as well.

To do this we began by contacting neuropathic sufferers in our local community to be a part of our trials.

We ran ads in local online classifieds.

We were able to get 100’s of ecstatic volunteers to take part.

It was to no surprise that so many others with neuropathy…

Were so eager to free themselves from the chains of this disease…

And the expensive drugs and creams that come along with it.


The trials we conducted with these groups of neuropathy sufferers…

Were done with the industry gold standard…

We ran double-blind studies on all our patients!

To no surprise everyone who followed our simple 5-second daily Ikarian protocol…

Experienced long-lasting pain-free living...

And healthy sleep patterns with energized and revitalized bodies.

We now knew we were ready to deliver our all-natural solution to the world!

The truth is Neuropathy is not luck of genetics…or because you have diabetes.

You also do not have to eat salads, work out for 2 hours a day, or have the metabolism of a 19-year-old to live pain-free.

See what a few people from our double-blind study had to say about their results-


So we did it!

Dr. Jack and I created a done-for-you solution…

With the same formula and blend of quality ingredients…

Ran in clinical trials that gave my father George and others their health and life back.

We now had the solution to suppress overactive nervous systems…

Repair and restore damaged nerve endings…

And permanently diminish the three toxic enzymes behind neuropathic pain.

Our done-for-you remedy to date has now helped 88,268 neuropathic patients from across the world…

Eliminating annoying pins and needle irritation from the body…

Enabling your body to sleep like back when you were a teenager…

Rejuvenating and revitalizing energy levels….

And most importantly bringing peace, health, and happiness to so many lives and families…

That are now no longer concerned with neuropathy controlling their lives.

So, today I am proud to present to you NeuroPure!

It is a done-for-you natural proprietary blend…

Of the 5- Neuropathy busting powerful extracts and nutrients…

That sedates COX-2, PGE-2 and MMP-13.

The product comes complete with highly efficacious herbs, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals… 

That will restructure and restore your neural links.
Completely Healing your body from the inside out

Ridding you of the numbness, stabbing, burning and crawling sensations.

As well as mitigate a whole host of symptoms that are experienced with nerve pain.

NeuroPure is the purest and highest quality supplement you have ever taken.

Designed to give a HIGH POTENCY unique combination…

That you will not get with any other supplement or medication.

All manufactured in the U.S.A….

Every step of the formulation was taken to ensure you get…

  • 100% Natural Proprietary Blend Of Powerful Natural Nutrients and Plant Extracts
  • No Dangerous Stimulants Or Toxins
  • No Tolerance Forming
  • ​Safe for those with sensitive health conditions
  • ​No fillers
  • ​100% Plant Based Capsule Contents
  • ​No Harsh Chemicals
  • ​Manufactured in the USA
  • ​GMP And FDA Certified Facility
  • ​Non-GMO
Dr. Jack and I formulated it with great care and precision...

To give the perfect ratio of 5 concentrated ingredients…
Clinically proven for maximum absorption.

In An Easy To Swallow Capsule! 

So, you are now probably wondering what exactly this unusual combination is…

Of ancient herbs and exotic flowering plants from Ikaria Greece…

That eradicates COX-2, PGE-2, and MMP-13 for good?

Super Ingredient #1 is-

Prickly Pear- (also commonly known as nopal, opuntia)
This miracle plant protects the body from the three harmful enzymes.

The same ones that are causing those pins and needle sensations in your body.

These toxic radicals are known to pile on excess oxidative stress on your cells, tissues, and muscles.
This miracle plant protects the body of the three harmful enzymes.

The same ones that are causing those pins and needle sensations in your body.

These toxic radicals are known to pile on excess oxidative stress on your cells, tissues, and muscles.
Conservation Medicine Laboratory found that “Prickly Pear is a natural medicinal agent that possesses a number of antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that help the body rid itself of harmful free radicals.” (That are known to pile on excess oxidative stress on our cells, tissues and muscles).3

By eliminating the build of this oxidative stress…

Your neuron system operates in a relaxed state and your muscles and neurons get the long-term relief they so badly need.

You then feel…

More active, rejuvenated, and focused through the course of your day-to-day activities.

It is also an extremely good nutritional source…

That helps cure diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity.

But remember there are also several other ingredients in our all-natural solution…

Ones that come directly from one of the only 5 blue zones on Earth- Ikaria Greece…

Plus, other high-octane miracle ingredients are stacked on top of the ones from Ikaria.

We combine all these ingredients with a precise blend…

Putting the three poisonous enzymes COX-2, PGE-2, and MMP-13 to rest for good.

These other ingredients are…

Passionflower is a highly popular herbal agent that helps support stress and anxiety levels as well as insomnia.

Nerve pain, stress, anxiety, and insomnia.

Passionflower achieves its calming effect on the nerves by supporting GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in the brain.
Passionflower is a highly popular herbal agent that helps support stress and anxiety levels as well as insomnia.

Nerve pain, stress, anxiety, and insomnia.

Passionflower achieves its calming effect in the nerves by supporting GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) in the brain.

GABA helps slow overactive nervous systems.

Resulting in a calming effect on the body and mind.

Lavone the largest component found in passionflower also inhibits COX-2, PGE-2, and MMP-13 in the body. 4

It is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Experience the soothing comfort Passionflower will give you 
While the rest of your body recovers from the inside out.

Marshmallow (Root)-

This demulcent plant possesses a sizable portion of anti-inflammatory mucilage.

It is a gelatinous substance that helps the body rid itself of unwanted stress, anxiety, and pain.

Additionally, daily intake of this substance will lower swelling in your muscles…

As well as improve the operational capacity of our digestive and urinary systems.
This demulcent plant possesses a sizable portion of anti-inflammatory mucilage.

It is a gelatinous substance that helps the body rid itself of unwanted stress, anxiety, and pain.

Additionally, daily intake of this substance will lower swelling in your muscles…

As well as improve the operational capacity of our digestive and urinary systems.

Corydalis (yanhusuo plant)-

Corydalis is a flowering herbal plant that grows in Siberia and Northern Japan.

Research from the University of California Irvine showed “Corydalis will support healthy inflammation levels.”

As well as rehabilitate injury-induced neuropathic pain.

Which is caused by damage to your nervous system.

Moreover, you will not build a tolerance…

Seen with the continued use of most conventional pain relievers such as morphine.

California Poppy's- (Poppy Seed)

Californian poppy's actions as a hypnotic…

Are sleep-inducing, sedative, neuron relaxant, and anodyne (pain-relieving).

It fights against…

Insomnia, migraines, stressful conditions, nervous bowel, anxiety, depression, and neuralgia (nerve pain).
Californian poppy's actions as a hypnotic…

Are sleep-inducing, sedative, neuron relaxant, and anodyne (pain-relieving).

It fights against…

Insomnia, migraines, stressful conditions, nervous bowel, anxiety, depression, and neuralgia (nerve pain).

The combination of these 5 super powered Neuropathy destroying ingredients is exactly what liberated and healed my father George naturally all within 30 days…


So, while some of these super ingredients can be found at local stores.

Getting it from the right source with the purest quality…

Needed to have the true effects that they do when coming directly from Ikaria…

Is a bit harder to do and very expensive.

Despite this getting it from any other source was not an option for me and Dr. Jack…

Especially knowing….

That neuropathy sufferers need a done-for-you remedy of the highest quality.

One that….

  • Has no guesswork…
  • No sourcing problems…
  • No cost concerns…
  • ​Nasty taste…
  • ​No quality issues.

A complete done-for-you solution…

That will not give you any, stomach or digestive issues or make you sleepy or nauseous.

NeuroPure is clinically proven and specially designed for all stages of neuropathy.

Included are…

People who have tried everything they can think of to reverse their Neuropathy…

But have yet to find a solution.

People who have long suffered from Neuropathy for years, as well as those newly diagnosed.
NeuroPure also comes with preventive properties…

Properties that will shield your body from ever experiencing neuropathy-related ailments like-

Dizziness, Shock-like pain, Rapid Heartbeat, Insomnia and Fatigue.

Remember 1 out of every 11 people in the U.S. have Neuropathy…

So even if you are not currently suffering from Neuropathy…

But are worried you could be in the future then NeuroPure is for you.



I know that might sound too good to be true, and that’s understandable….

Because most new customers are skeptical in the beginning.

But see for yourself why so many people are raving about NeuroPure…


to Chris

"This stuff is amazing. I've only been using it a few days and already notice relief and calmness throughout my body. I've been a diabetic for 12 years and just started using this so to see this kind of improvement in a few days while having been a diabetic for 12 years is unthinkable. I recently just ordered another 6 months’ supply of NeuroPure. I say this stuff really works!!!"

-Tucson, Arizona


to Chris

"This stuff is amazing. I've only been using it a few days and already notice relief and calmness throughout my body. I've been a diabetic for 12 years and just started using this so to see this kind of improvement in a few days while having been a diabetic for 12 years is unthinkable. I recently just ordered another 6 months’ supply of NeuroPure. I say this stuff really works!!!"

-Tucson, Arizona


Thomas L,
to Chris

I was diagnosed with neuropathy recently for the first time in my life. I'm 48 yrs old. It runs in my family. I never knew I would get it, nevertheless, my doctor said I needed to be on meds. I rejected the doctor's offer and asked if he could give me a month to get it under control and then get it rechecked. I ordered NeuroPure and started taking it together with my diet. After a week of taking it, 1 in the morning before breakfast and 1 in the afternoon before lunch. Surprisingly, I started to feel better. Fast forward 6 months later I went back for my recheck and I felt normal. Doctors’ advice- if I keep up with whatever I'm doing healthy eating and exercise I'll be fine. It really works!! I'll be ordering another 6 bottles soon.

-Portland, Oregon


Thomas L,
to Chris

I was diagnosed with neuropathy recently for the first time in my life. I'm 48 yrs old. It runs in my family. I never knew I would get it, nevertheless, my doctor said I needed to be on meds. I rejected the doctor's offer and asked if he could give me a month to get it under control and then get it rechecked. I ordered NeuroPure and started taking it together with my diet. After a week of taking it, 1 in the morning before breakfast and 1 in the afternoon before lunch. Surprisingly, I started to feel better. Fast forward 6 months later I went back for my recheck and I felt normal. Doctors’ advice- if I keep up with whatever I'm doing healthy eating and exercise I'll be fine. It really works!! I'll be ordering another 6 bottles soon.

-Portland, Oregon

We are not #1 rated for customer satisfaction and results for no reason!

We cut no corners with the production of NeuroPure.

We use only the highest quality ingredients…

All are extracted by hand at a natural and organically sustained location.

Each batch is hand-measured…

To give you the precise amount of neuropathy-busting ingredients…

Exactly the way Dr. Jack and I intended it to be.
Here’s How It Works

Take two NeuroPure capsules a day, one in the morning and one before bed.

Sound simple enough? That’s because it is.
For 5 extra seconds of your time every day, you can live a neuropathy-free life forever!
Due to us sourcing only the precise amount of finest ingredients….

With maximum purity and potency for optimal body absorption.

Producing this unique blend of Neuropathy banishing nutrients is costly…
Causing us to have strict limits on the amounts we can produce.

We are only able to produce 4 batches of NeuroPure a year….

But so, you can kickstart your road to recovery I am going to give you access to NeuroPure today!

Our customers with the most long-term results choose either the 3 or 6-bottle options.

3 bottles to guarantee your Neuropathy issues won’t bounce right back after feeling pain-free for a couple of months...
Or our most popular 6 bottles which will kick your recovery into high gear…

Suppressing COX-2, PGE-2, and MMP-13 from your insides.

Locking in and protecting your results for life…

All while soothing your body from the inside out…. 

Flushing away years of long-term neuron damage forever…

And reversing the clock on all prior damage.

There is one thing I must warn you about –

The cost to concentrate these plant extracts, herbs, and minerals into a single daily capsule was costly...

But our goal is to make it as affordable as possible... and available to everyone.

I am happy to tell you that right on this page today only….

I will also give our steepest discount possible. The discounted pricing options are only available to first-time customers like yourself!

NeuroPure is normally $99 a bottle…

Even at that price, it is a bargain.

As humans, we cannot put a price tag on our health and family, as we have nothing without the two.

We do not want to let a price tag get in the way of you taking back your health.

To make it even easier on you, we are offering you a limited-time, exclusive discount, but…

It’s only available on this page,

I ask that you act now…

As I am not sure how long it will be…

Until the big pharma tycoons catch wind of the website and do everything in their power to take it down.

Dr. Jack and I made it our mission…

To help as many neuropathy sufferers as possible with our inexpensive, done-for-you groundbreaking all-natural remedy...
So, despite going against the recommended price other medical experts and colleagues said we should charge for NeuroPure….

You won’t pay $99 per bottleor even $79… Your total investment today is…

Just $69 per bottle

That’s $30 off the regular price!

The discount does not stop there!

If you take action today and select six bottles of NeuroPure, I will give it to you for $49 per bottle with no strings attached.

That’s $49 a month, just a little over $1.50 a day for a 6 month supply of NeuroPure.

Less than one night out at the movies.

To take advantage of this one-time opportunity…

Simply choose the option you prefer below, and we will ship it out immediately to your front door.


Permanently restore functionality in your muscles, joints, tissues, and cells!

You are just days away from experiencing the incredible benefits only NeuroPure can provide.


Due to demand, we have a hard time keeping products in stock. If you love NeuroPure (I am sure you will) you might have to wait a LONG TIME to get your next order!

That's why I recommend buying in bulk and save BIG!

Due to high demand, shipping may take 5-8 days.

Massive Discount Applied! Choose Your Option Below:

Get Free Shipping Worldwide!

After clicking below bottles will be rush delivered to your door.
One-Time Fee - No Subscription


I understand you might be skeptical...

That an all-natural solution can control your pain…

Eliminate your neuropathy and restore your nervous system.

After all, you have been lied to by your doctors and big pharma your entire life.

We are so excited for you to try this amazing solution.
We are going to offer you the opportunity to try NeuroPure for 60 days risk free.
If you do not love NeuroPure. We'll give you every dollar back as a 100% full refund, even if the container is completely empty. No questions asked. Just let us know within 60 days. 

It does not stop there. On top of that if you order today, I will include for you these health boosting FREE bonuses.


The Complete Neuropathy Protocol

Normally $47! Yours FREE When You Order Now

When you invest in NeuroPure today as an added bonus for you… I will include – The Complete Neuropathy Protocol.
Bulletproof and protect your new health with….

The Complete Neuropathy Protocol book.

There is no margin for error when it comes to your health.

The info and knowledge you will get in this protocol…

Combined with the results you will get from taking NeuroPure….

Will ensure you will get the blueprint and step-by-step action plan needed….

To manage, control, and begin repairing your neurons.
This #1 rated protocol for customer satisfaction… Will give you the head start you need to destroy Neuropathy from the very first day.

It’s an all-in-one guide that…

When combined with NeuroPure…

Will make stabilizing and shutting off your pain triggers… And living a long healthy happy life… Simpler than you could have ever imagined.

I can’t tell you how many people who are now part of NeuroPure family rant and rave about how helpful this book is.

It will give you tips and tricks that you never knew could make such a big change towards your health.



Fat Burn Tricks - The Keys to Body Transformation

Normally $37! Yours FREE When You Order Now

As you know, exercise plays a big role in your overall health. That is why I am also including – Fat Burn Tricks - The Keys to Body Transformation.

This easy-to-read book will give you tips and tricks on how to get in the best shape of your life. 

You will be shocked at how basic and easy these exercises are.

Simple things that you can do every day…

That will shed pounds off your body and transform your physique into a fit and healthy one in a matter of no time.

This done-for-you book when combined with NeuroPure… 

Is like rocket fuel for you on your road to a healthier and happier life.
The advice in this book is not some sort of quick fix to drop pounds only to gain it all back a month or two later.

The information in this book is for permanent long-term weight loss.

98% of people who followed the simple advice given in this book reported….

An increase in energy levels naturally, boosted confidence

Along with an extra 2 pounds of weekly weight loss while using NeuroPure.

Just a few of the “health hacks” you will get in your book are-

Sleep and recovery tricks

Correct hydration levels to maintain daily for weight loss

Ways to better understand food labels…

To better understand what you are putting into your body…

Plus, much much more!

If you have pain and tingling, pins, and needle shock-like sensations in your body…

Then I need to tell you that right now you’re in much more danger than you realize.

Massive Discount Applied! Choose Your Option Below:

Get Free Shipping Worldwide!

After clicking below bottles will be rush delivered to your door
One-Time Fee - No Subscription


It’s crucial that you act now before it is too late. Almost like it was for my dad George.

So today right now on this page you have 2 options…
Option 1:...Do exactly as the mainstream healthcare system wants you to do. Carry on taking your meds, creams, and patches… That only masks the pain and numbness never fixing it… continuing on that slippery slope.
Never providing you a fix or solution to your health only controlling your ailments at best.
With this path, you’ll never be free of drugs and never cured of your neuropathy….

Because that is not what the “system” is designed to do.

Instead, the “system” is designed to manage your Neuropathy, never fix it…

So, you keep moving along the conveyor belt…

Set up by the corporate drug companies and the medical establishment.
You will continue to have Neuropathy and your health will continue to get worse….

As you spend more and more money every month on medications.

Missing out on family outings, events, and vacations.
Instead, you can choose Option 2: The best option, the smart option, and the option that can save your life.
And that option is to invest a minuscule amount of money into the NeuroPure Formula today.
Think about the thousands of dollars you will save each year… By being able to ditch your expensive meds and creams for good.

Just think of how much easier and more enjoyable your life will become. Imagine what life will be like…

No more stomach aches from meds, smelly creams, nauseousness…

No more numbness in your hands and feet...

No more feelings of stress and hopelessness…

No more fear of body parts being amputated...

No more daily aches and pains...

No more added stress for your family...

No more sleepless nights...

No more anxiety…

No more missing out on family outings because you cannot keep up.

Give yourself the comfort you well deserve!

Put our product to the test completely risk-free. And change your life.

Thanks to NeuroPure, my father George, and thousands of others now have none of that in their lives.

If not for yourself, do it for the people in your life.

Be there to share special moments like graduations and weddings with them.

Don’t let neuropathy rob you of a single minute with those you love.

In fact, here’s what a recent customer –
Michael T. from Kentucky – shared with me the other day:


Paula Q. from Illinois said:

Jose Castillo from Mexico said:

I am happy to say that to date we have now helped 88,268 people fix their health and live completely pain free. 

That is 88,268 people I now consider as part of the NeuroPure family.

This is NOT just another neuropathy supplement with a label slapped on it, but a unique formula designed to very specifically…

Target the root cause of Neuropathy, Nerve end health, and nutritional deficiencies.

Nourishing your nerves and enhancing functional and healthy nerve communication for life…

That is impossible to correct with meds and diet alone.

Act right now as this might be your last chance to get your order of NeuroPure.

I cannot guarantee the prices you see right now beyond today.

I don’t want you to come back and see NeuroPure is out of stock.

So if NeuroPure is still in stock…below you will see your discounted prices.

Try NeuroPure 100% Risk Free Right Now.

So, what are you waiting for?

Click below to have your bottles rushed delivered to your door for no cost and experience the life-changing benefits yourself.


Due to demand, we have a hard time keeping products in stock.

If you love NeuroPure (I am sure you will) you might have to wait a LONG TIME to get your next order!

That's why we recommend buying in bulk and save BIG!

Remember: you can always return it for a full refund if you don't absolutely love it!

Due to high demand, shipping may take 5-8 days.

This is ONLY being offered on this page. So, take advantage!

NeuroPure is NOT sold in stores or on any other websites. 
The ONLY place you can get this breakthrough formula is right here on this page today.

Massive Discount Applied! Choose Your Option Below:

Get Free Shipping Worldwide!

One-Time Fee - No Subscription

No Hidden Fees

Purchases are done with encrypted SSL, so all your purchase info is protected

So, let’s recap on what you will get with your purchase of NeuroPure
A done-for-you no nonsense all-natural solution that attacks Neuropathy right at its core.

Over 50% off... 

Free shipping…

60 day risk free money back guarantee

Plus your Rapid Weight Loss and Complete Blood Sugar Solution bonus books are free of charge.

You’ve got nothing to lose! Try NeuroPure Risk-Free! Just ask for your money back within 60 days of trying it if you’re not happy...

Even if you use the entire container. We’ll refund every penny!

Still not convinced. See what these satisfied NeuroPure customers had to say


Vicky D.
Cleveland, Ohio

“My husband is on his feet 10 hours a day. Often after he gets home after work he would have to sit and elevate his feet to ease the pain in his legs. Since he’s been taking this supplement as directed, he can be more himself.

He can be on his feet while we go to the grocery shopping or running errands. He has been taking this for almost the past 6-months and it has worked wonders for his leg pain. He can now sleep through the night without experiencing discomfort in his legs. I would highly recommend this supplement.

So, if you haven’t tried it, please do so and experience the wonder yourself.”

Rick L.
Augusta, Georgia

“This is the 4th supplement I have tried for my diabetic peripheral neuropathy over the last 6 months, - including one that my doctor recommended.

Unlike the others I noticed a difference in under two weeks because I was sleeping way better and no longer waking up with foot pain, and because I get to get good sleep I have more energy to do stuff the next day, my mood is more happy and positive now.

I have just ordered 6 more bottles and I am looking forward to getting even better results in the future. I know long term nerve repair is a slow process but as long as I am making progress, I am a happy camper.”
If you have come this far, I get a sense that you are smart enough to take advantage of this one-time offer today.

With NeuroPure you are NOT getting-

A dangerous drug with frustrating long-term damage...

A cheap supplement that has failed you in the past that you can find at your local grocery store...

A solution that delivers a short-term fix.

A supplement that you will build a tolerance to..

Or any nonsense like that...

NeuroPure is Manufactured in the USA at a GMP and FDA-certified facility. In a Non-GMO Easy To Swallow Capsule!

The Regular Price of NeuroPure is usually $99 a bottle...
Even at that price it is a true bargain knowing…

That NeuroPure will restore and rejuvenate your nerve tissue endings from the inside out…

Giving you the pain free life, you deserve.

So today only you will get the absolute steepest discount possible. Exclusively here on this page.

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What will I get with my purchase?

You will get the #1 rated all-natural Neuropathy destroying product out there.

Free express shipping on all orders including international orders.

Plus, your two-award winning FREE bonus books.

The Complete Neuropathy Protocol


Fat Burn Tricks - The Key To Body Transformation

Does NeuroPure really work?

Yes. It’s scientifically proven.

Not only have double-blind tests and research been performed over the years...

But NeuroPure is also backed by research from top institutes and Universities across the world. Brown University, Mayo Clinic, University of Miami, Columbia University
and dozens of other top scientific resources.

And if you scroll back up, you’ll see plenty of peer-reviewed scientific research, and testimonials on how beneficial and powerful NeuroPure is.

Where is NeuroPure manufactured?

NeuroPure is manufactured in the USA.

It is manufactured in an FDA-approved facility under the strictest of standards and under clean sterile conditions.

The facility is GMP certified, which is a very tough and meticulous standard to obtain for manufacturers.

This ensures only the purest, highest quality product is produced and delivered to you.

Is NeuroPure safe? Are there any side effects?

There are no side effects.

NeuroPure has been taken by thousands of folks with not a single reported side effect.

It contains only all natural ingredients.

How many bottles of NeuroPure should I order?

To get the full results of NeuroPure we recommend taking the product for a minimum of 6 months. So, we recommend the 6-bottle option.

What are your shipping and handling costs?

There are absolutely no shipping costs on all NeuroPure orders.

No matter how large your order size is or where your order is being shipped to you will never be charged any shipping or handling.

Are there any monthly charges?

No. There are no monthly charges.

After your initial purchase, you will not be charged any additional fees.

Will it work for me?

NeuroPure will work for anyone no matter their age, gender, or genetics.

We’ve found that it doesn’t matter if neuropathy has been running in your family for generations…

The type of Neuropathy you have…

If you are newly diagnosed...

Have diabetes or Pre-Diabetes…

Or if you’ve struggled with diabetes for years.

The catch is, that it only works when you stick to this easy-to-use product.

Can I get it somewhere else online- Amazon or at GNC?

No, NeuroPure is only available on this website and is not found in any stores.

If NeuroPure was sold in stores, it would have to be $200 per bottle to allow for retail profits.

Because we only sell direct-to-consumer, you're able to get NeuroPure at a significant savings.

What if it doesn’t work for me?

NeuroPure comes with a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

This means, that if you buy it today, you can try it for a full 2 months without risking a penny.

So, in the rare case, you aren’t satisfied with it…

Simply email us or call us...

And I will give you back every single penny… No questions asked.

How long will it be available for?

We cannot guarantee how long NeuroPure will be in stock for.

Due to sourcing only the finest and purest neuropathy busting ingredients we can only manufacture NeuroPure 4 times a year.

NeuroPure is the only product that has been scientifically proven to eliminate neuropathy permanently.

So, we ask that you act right now to get your order of Neuropathy in before supplies run out.

How long will it take to receive my order?

For U.S. orders, you will receive your order between 3-7 business days.

For all international orders outside the U.S., you will receive your order within 15-30 days.

After I order where do I access my purchase information?

After you purchase NueroPure you will immediately be sent a welcome email that will give you shipping details for your order as well as info to access your two free bonus books.

Why hasn’t my doctor told me about this?

Your doctor is probably a great person.

But the thing is, this information is cutting edge and isn’t even being taught in meds schools (yet).

On top of that your doctor is probably busy working with patients on a day-to-day basis.

Thus, they probably aren’t aware this even exists.

Is NeuroPure Keto Friendly?

Yes, NeuroPure is Keto Friendly.

It can be taken with any Keto-related diet.

Where do I store NeuroPure?

NeuroPure can be stored in your Kitchen or Bathroom cabinets at room temperature just like many other products.

Or in the refrigerator if preferred.

When is the best time to take NeuroPure?

Taking NeuroPure is very simple.

For maximum results, we recommend taking it twice a day.

Once in the morning and then once before bed.

Okay, I’m excited. How Can I Get Started?

To join, just click the “Add To Cart” button below.

Click that button and you’ll be taken to our fully encrypted secured order form.

It only takes 60 seconds to enter your information…

And as soon as you’re finished your order will be processed immediately.
 So, are you ready to change your life forever? 

Simply select which discounted option you want below and click on the yellow “add to order” button.

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Special Precautions & Warnings:

Suggested Use: as a dietary supplement, adults to two capsules daily with food.

Storage: Store this product in a cool dry place below 30°C (86°F). Keep out of reach of children. Do not use it if the safety seal is damaged or missing.

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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please Note: The material on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.